Tuesday, 26 May 2009

A Eureka Moment

I thought I'd lost this. This is the first boring postcard I ever bought. Broxbourne Civic Hall in all its glory. Shame about the crease but I'm just relieved to have found it.

This is the card that started the collection and I have to say I've probably still to better it. After 20 years I don't think I've found a duller card. Anyway, I'm just happy to have it back!
While you're here please visit my Squidoo page at http://www.squidoo.com/boringpostcards and the Flickr boring postcards group http://www.flickr.com/groups/boringpostcards/pool/

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


There is an art of the postcard maker that we have yet to highlight. How to make a potentially pretty scene look dismal and dispiriting.
Hastings is a pretty town on the Sussex South Coast and it also receives the best of the English weather. So why publish a postcard with such a bleak scene as this?
Maybe it’s supposed to look arty or mysterious as opposed to plain awful. Whatever the photographer’s thoughts were, would it make you want to visit Hastings?

Monday, 11 May 2009

Civic Centre & Assembly Hall Walthamstow

I'm often asked what do you consider to be boring? After all one man's Sydney Opera House os another's Braintree bypass.

I've written a whole article on the subject here http://www.squidoo.com/moreboringpostcards but one of the first subjects I look for is Civic Buildings. They are uniformly hideous and this one is no exception.

Enjoy - more soon.

Monday, 4 May 2009


A postcard from Basildon Town Square. This begs two questions - the obvious one is why would anyone want a postcard from Basildon Town Square and secondly has the publisher not spotted the young lad in the picture who is clearly enjoying a good old scratch of his backside? (I've blown this photo up full size and it's not pretty)

I must have bought this around 1993 and it's never increased my desire to visit Basildon.