I got into collecting Boring Postcards about 20 years ago. I can remember standing in a queue at my local newsagents and noticing a postcard of our local civic centre, a building widely acknowledged as being quite hideous. I wondered initially how many tourists our town actually attracted each year (somewhere around nil), and then wondered if any of these misguided travellers would buy such a ridiculous card and boast to their friends about where they had stayed.
The collection grew over the years and I now have several hundred. Highlights include Brentwood shopping Centre, Lyttleton Road Tunnel in new Zealand as well as countless roundabouts and civic halls. I have appeared in my local newspapers as well as The Times, and have written artciles for Picture Postcard Monthly and various County Magazines.
Sadly my collection has stuttered for several years now as newsagents close and old stock gets thrown out when owners realise their only hope of selling these is to idiots like me. So I'd like to share my collection with the world and also make suggestions for new postcards in a campaign to bring back boring!
The card pictured above is a favourite of mine. Entitled 'Station Road Cuffley' it is quite a pleasant tree lined view but ulimately it is a road with a Sign as its focal point. More boring postcards in a week.